北秋的日常: I wonderwill God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize...God left this place a long time ago
弘毅君:心灵控制这种BUG设定还能编20多集各种鬼扯要忍着看下去太头痛作为相似的中二题材离奇度不如death note震撼度亦不如 2021年重温发现还是比起这十年间的动画还算得上是经典的当初太挑剔了节奏很好人物塑造也很出色gooole没有大BUG设定上的问题只能说动漫就是这样了
天涯断肠粉:, Daisy, I was so close to become you. I see so much sorrow in your eyes and I love you from the first sight. Now I know why I'm into wounds, it will never be cured, but only live with me.
七月妮楠: well and fucking die well.